Sightseeing flights in the Tatras are normally organized from the Hotel Bukovina landing site (ul. Sportowa 22 34-530, Bukowina Tatrzańska).
Due to Polish regulations for flying over restricted zones, sightseeing flights are not possible over the area of the Tatra National Park. Flights around the Tatra Mountains are allowed, at the height of the highest mountains, e.g. Rysy, the highest Polish peak, Gerlach, the highest Tatra peak, as well as the spectacular cable car to the top of Tatranská Lomnica. In favorable weather, all these attractions can be seen in a 30-minute flight from Helipoland.
It is possible to choose a different place of take-off and landing of the helicopter than the landing site in Bukowina Tatrzańska, where, in addition to the costs associated with the arrival of the helicopter to the indicated site, additional fees may be charged for using the helipad (e.g. 100 Euro at the landing pad in Zakopane). The arrival at the individually agreed take-off / landing site is additionally payable in accordance with the helicopter flight price lists below. The agreed arrival can also be settled by reducing the time of the selected scenic flight (minimum 30 minutes) by the time needed for the arrival / return of the helicopter from / to the Bukovina Hotel landing site, including the time needed to start and stop the helicopter twice (about 10 minutes). For example – a helicopter flight ordered for a sight-seeing flight directly from Zakopane involves a minimum fee for an additional 15 minutes of flight (to Zakopane and back).
Tatra Mountains – Bukowina, Zakopane, Białka Tatrzańska – when can I take a flight?
First, you must confirm the availability of the selected date according to the availability of the helicopter and the pilot (preferably no more than a week in advance). Then confirm (with the organizer or directly with the pilot, if the relevant contact details have already been provided) whether the forecasted weather conditions are suitable (preferably no more than 2-3 days in advance). The weather in the Tatras can be dynamic, hence changes in dates or, in extreme cases, flight cancellations are possible on the day of the planned flight.
Sightseeing flights in the area of the Tatra Mountains are organized on a continuous basis (the possibility of registering overnight or on a flying day itself), as a standard, during holiday periods, winter holidays, during weekends and in selected periods of good weather and increased tourist traffic, especially during the holiday season. Initial confirmation of the continuous availability of the helicopter in a given period at the Bukowina Tatrzańska landing field is possible on a regular basis about a week in advance.
How much does it cost to take a sightseeing flight in the Tatra Mountains?
The costs of flying a Robinson R 44 helicopter (up to 3 passengers on board) including all passenger seats are as follows:
- EUR 300 – flight on route Bukowina – Zakopane – Bukowina or Bukowina – Białka Tatrzańska – Bukowina
(duration about 15 minutes*, it is possible to modify the route with the consent of the pilot). - EUR 600 – flight on route Bukowina – Zakopane / Western Tatras – Bukowina or Bukowina – High Tatras – Bukowina
(duration about 30 minutes*, it is possible to modify the route with the consent of the pilot). - EUR 1200 – flight around the Tatra Mountains
(duration up t0 60 minutes*, it is possible to modify the route with the consent of the pilot).
Flights in the highest parts of the mountains (Slovak Tatras) by helicopter Robinson R 44 are possible only under favorable weather conditions (adequate transparency of the atmosphere, weak wind and little or no clouds).

Sightseeing routes – possible to do at least 300 m above or outside the high mountain nature protection areas in Slovakia.
The costs of flying a Airbus AS350 helicopter (up to 5 passengers on board) include all passenger seats are as follows:
- EUR 600 – flight on route Bukowina – Zakopane – Bukowina or Bukowina – Białka Tatrzańska – Bukowina (duration about 15 minutes*, it is possible to modify the route with the consent of the pilot).
- EUR 1200 – flight on route Bukowina – Zakopane / Western Tatras – Bukowina or Bukowina – Tatrzańska Łomnica – Bukowina (duration about 30 minutes*, it is possible to modify the route with the consent of the pilot).
- EUR 2400 – flight around the Tatra Mountains (duration up to 60 minutes*, it is possible to modify the route with the consent of the pilot).
The AS350 helicopter is not available on a daily basis, arranging the arrival of the helicopter at the Bukovina hotel landing site on a date other than that planned by Helipoland is an additional EUR 2160, information on availability is provided individually.
The AS350 helicopter is faster than the R 44 helicopter, which makes it possible to cover greater distances in the purchased time option, and thanks to increased tolerance to wind power, this machine is more suited to flights in the highest parts of the mountains.

Sightseeing routes – possible to do at least 300 m above or outside the high mountain nature protection areas in Slovakia.
What else is important in organizing sightseeing flights?
All the above-mentioned prices for scenic flights include the entire helicopter, regardless of the number of passengers. Free seats can be replenished at the landing field during the ongoing implementation of flights in a continuous mode. If we have volunteers for partial filling of the helicopter, we will inform ourselves about the possibility of flying using the remaining free seats.
Reservation of another helicopter type for the purpose of organizing sightseeing flights, e.g. Airbus EC 130 helicopter for 6 passengers, is priced individually (arrival of an EC 130 helicopter at a price of minimum EUR 2160).

View on Zakopane city from R 44 helicopter flying east
* Flight time: according to international standards, it is the time from the moment the rotor blades begin to rotate until the moment the helicopter finally comes to a stop after flight and the rotor blades come to a stop.
** Note: in order to perform flights on agreed dates, in addition to the appropriate meteorological conditions, it is necessary to have the appropriate instruction of the pilot dedicated to the flight and the appropriate technical condition of the helicopter, which is verified in detail before each flying day or additionally before the flight. Helipoland is not responsible for keeping the agreed flight date, especially due to inadequate / uncertain weather conditions, pilot incapacitation or helicopter malfunction.