NBA players and Helipoland
Recently, our services have benefited NBA basketball players who visited our country. Among them was Marcin Gortat – the only Pole in history, who advanced to the final tournament of this league. The flight took place from the sports hall MOSIR in Lublin to the orphanage in Odporyszow near Tarnow.
Śmigłowiec czy helikopter?
Niektóre słowniki odsyłają śmigłowiec do helikoptera, inne dają odsyłacz w przeciwną stronę. Niezależnie od kierunku odesłania taka decyzja świadczy o potraktowaniu wymienionych wyrazów jako dokładnych synonimów.
Helicopters – statistics 2015
So far we failed to achieve the sales results of the previous year, but this is not the end of the year so lets not prejudge the result 🙂 Below we can see how competition of our favorite brands looks like
English aviation phraseology course with an ICAO exam
ATO invites everyone to a one-day english aviation phraseology course with an ICAO exam. On examination we invite pilots reneving their proficiency and those who will have their first apply for entry to license the level of English proficiency ICAO.
Promotion – PPL(H) on R 44
We are pleased to offer you a promotion for flight training PPL (H) on R-44 helicopter for the price of 22 thousand Euro net price. The price of the training closes the whole course of theoretical knowledge and required by regulations minimum number of hours of practical training in flight, after the successful completion of which You are entitled to undergo the state exams.
Helicopter trip to Skrzyczne with Rafal Sonik
Skrzyczne mountain helicopter tour with Rafal Sonik was a learning experience.. Because we were told that the conquering mountains with the help of a helicopter is a breeze compared to hike.. So we decided to check it out.