Targi USA – Śląski Klaster Lotniczy
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Should pilots be afraid for their jobs?
Artificial intelligence (AI) in aviation. Artificial intelligence (AI) along with technological progress introduces a lot benefits for various fields, including[…..]
Tower on Śnieżnik – transport of elements to the top of Śnieżnik 1425 m above sea level
“The flattened dome of the summit gave rise to the idea of building a tower in Śnieżnik, i.e. an observation[…..]
Engagement and wedding by helicopter
We get inquiries about flights at weddings as often as inquiries about engagements on board a helicopter. Eryk and his[…..]
From the Arctic to Poland by helicopter for ESA and NASA
Research flights with the load suspended under the helicopter (HELiPOD probe) to improve satellite measurements of the state of the[…..]
Robinson Helicopter Company (RHC)
Robinson Helicopters – Company history Robinson Helicopter Company – Torrance, California is the world’s leading manufacturer of civil helicopters. Robinson[…..]
Helicopters vs Drones
Now that video and filmmaking drones have reached maximum popularity, one might wonder why anyone would need to use a helicopter for aerial shots. Nowadays, most filmmakers are either considering purchasing or already own a drone. It’s become a no-brainer. They’re now very affordable, and their functionality has exceeded all expectations in just a few short years. However, let’s not forget how filmmakers captured aerial shots before drones became so popular. But helicopters are not just the history of filming …
LAPL(H) helicopter training
Helicopter training to LAPL(H) license is the shortest and the cheapest way to get the document that allows You to fly helicopters by Yourself (helicopters with maximum certified take off mass 2000kg and to maximum of 3 passengers).